or background knowledge for Musicianship grade 1
8 Scales- the Stepping Stones of Music |
What can be long or short, high or low, soft or loud and invisible ? Welcome to your first lessons in understanding music. Together we will learn the first steps of music theory. Music theory is our master as well as our slave. If we learn our theory we can use it as a tool to create our own music or recreate the music of other composers. Learning music theory can open up to the world your own special contribution. Much music has been written in the past. You may know the names of some composers: Beethoven, Mozart, Bach. Each of these composers is remembered today because they understood the theory of music very well and through it they put their own special way of hearing and seeing music into the pages that we still hear and play today. Learning your music theory can help you give your special gift to the world - no one can write "your" music except you. It can also help you to understand what these great composers were trying to express in their music. Go to this link to download musical notation software to make your own songs on your computer.You will find the tests on this page. Before you do them you will have to learn what you need to know in the lessons and games. Start with lesson 1 Note names, Clefs and Staff on the left. Your First TestBefore we go on we will do some questions to See what you can remember so far: 1. What are the note names of the white keys on the piano?__,__,__,__,__,__,__. 2.What is the proper name for one generation of notes?______________ 3.How many notes in each generation (when the first is repeated at the end)?__________________ 4.What is the name for the special sign that tells which end of the piano to play a note in?_________ 5.What is the name for the sign that the note is on the high end of the piano?___________ ________ 6.What is the name for the sign that the note is on the low end of the piano?______ ________ 7.Name the notes going up on the BASS CLEF:__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __. 8. Find some manuscript and write on each line and space the note that belongs there for the BASS CLEF. 9.With a pencil trace lightly over a bass clef and then practice drawing them yourself on a stave. 10. Write in these letter names on the lines and spaces that they belong to in the bass clef. First of all draw a bass clef sign at the beginning of the line. Do not write the note names underneath each other, but spread them out along the line so they are not cramped. F, G, A, A, C, B, E, D. Congratulations! You are finished your first lesson in music theory. You have done very well to answer all these questions. I hope that your answers are right. You should get your teacher to check them and explain any mistakes you have made before you go on to lesson two. |