Glossary or musical terms
Bass Clef - This sign curls around the second line from the top of the staff, making it an F. This makes the notes above it G and A and the notes below it E, D, C, B, A and G. This clef is used for the low sounding instruments such as trombone, baritone, bass, the low voices and the left hand of the piano.
Clef - The sign at the front of each line of music which tells which octave (or generation) each note is from.
Octave - Eight (8) notes in a row, the first and last with the same note name.
Staff - (also known as 'stave'). Five parallel lines that show the pitch of each note (or how high or low it is).
Treble Clef - This sign curls around the second line from the bottom of a staff, making it G. This sets the notes above it as A, B, C, D, E & F. Below this line the notes will be F, E & D. This clef is used for high sounding instruments and voices like the trumpet, flute, clarinet, horn, soprano and alto voices. The treble clef is also used for the right hand or top end of the piano.