Scale The Fish

Make the Scale-the-Fish Cards

bulletDownload, print out and cut out cards on thin A4 cardpaper using a black ink cartridge.
bulletClick on each Word Document once and print it out three times: Naturals | Sharps | Flats
bulletCut out the cards and keep them together with a rubber band.

Play Scale-the-Fish

bulletEnsure cards are properly shuffled.
bulletDeal out 5 cards per player.
bulletEach player takes an additional card from the pack and check to see if it is on the Keynote Chart (below).
bulletThis card will be used to build your scale.
bulletYou can also use the Keynote Chart to see what notes are in the scale you will build.
bulletFor an easy game only use Keynotes from that are coloured blue. For a harder game you can include the yellow keynotes.
bulletIf you get a card to begin your scale that is not on the Keynote Chart, just put it to the bottom of the pack and try the next one.
bulletWhen you have a suitable keynote to begin your scale, place it in front of you on the table or floor.
bulletNow check the five cards in your hand and place any notes  that belong to that scale next to that one.
bulletYou will still have some notes missing to take turns to go around the circle and ask another player if they have a note that that is missing from your scale.
bulletEvery time another player does not have the note you ask for you must 'Go Fish' and pick up a new card from the pack.
bulletThe winner is the player who makes up their scale first. Other players can continue if time permits.
bulletIf you get a 'Wildcard' you can use it to make any note you want.

Keynote Chart

Start your scale on any of the blue-coloured notes.

Major Sharp Keynotes

Minor Keynotes

Raised 7ths

List of Sharps

List of Flats Raised 7ths Minor Flat
C A G# nil nil G# A C
G E D# F Bb C# D F
D B A# F,C Bb,Eb F# G Bb
A F# Ex F,C,G B,E,A B♮ (natural) C Eb
E C# Bx F,C,G,D B,E,A,D E F Ab
B G# Fx F,C,G,D,A B,E,A,D,G A Bb Db
F# D# Cx F,C,G,D,A,E B,E,A,G,C D Eb Gb
C# A# Gx F,C,G,D,A,E,B B,E,A,D,G,C,F G Ab Cb


Stage 4

bulletTeaches familiarity with scales and key signatures from grades 7-10 high school or grades 1-3 Australian Music Examinations Board standard.
bulletThis game can also be played at a more advanced level using more difficult keynotes to begin scales.

(Music Syllabus Outcomes, BOS, 2001; 2001 Manual of Syllabuses, Theory of Music, AMEB)

Web site copyright BR Fletcher & R Williams 2005.
Email: Rosie Williams

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