Lesson Three: Treble Clef Notes

In earlier lessons we learned about the bass clef notes that begin with the letter A in the bottom space of the stave. Do you remember this? If you are not sure, go back over the last lessons till you can remember how the notes are arranged on the bass staff or stave.

1.If you follow the notes up, the last note on the top line of the bass clef will be?_____________

Between the bass and treble clef there are only THREE notes: B, C and D. These follow on from the A which I'm sure you knew was the top note on the bass clef staff. The C which comes in the middle of the bass and treble clefs is often called MIDDLE C. This 'middle C', the B below it and the D above it are not on the staff, but are in between. The B sits on the top line of the bass clef, the D sits just under the bottom line on the treble and the C sits in the middle on it's own little line called a LEDGER LINE. It looks like this:













You will notice that I have only filled in the notes in the spaces of the bass and treble clefs. On your own manuscript fill the notes in as I have. See if you can fill in the notes that go on the lines.
What word can be made from the spaces in the treble staff?_______________

Can you think of a rhyme to go with the notes in the bass staff?
Here is an example: Every Good Boy Deserves Fries
Make up your own:

The little line that the middle C sits on is called a LEDGER LINE. A ledger line is a tiny scrap of staff that we use to put in notes that are above or below the clef we are using. It might be a note that is too high or low for the treble staff but we don't want to change to another staff. Using a ledger line helps us to write the music. Can you find some music that has some notes on ledger lines in it? Middle C is often used because it is right between the bass and treble clefs and belongs to both hands if we are playing on the piano. ie we are sometimes asked to play it with our right hand but also with our left at times.

2. Can you tell what the names of the notes on ledger lines will be above the treble clef?___,___, ___, ___.

3. Can you tell what the names of the notes on ledger lines BELOW the bass clef will be?___, ___, ___, ___.

4. Now that you know lots of notes, find a piano keyboard and play from middle C up till you get to the top note that you wrote down in question 2 (above), then play from middle C going down to the lowest note you wrote down in question 3 below the bass clef.

5. Put up your manuscript with all the notes written on it from the bass and treble clef. Practice playing them all while saying their note name and looking at the note names on your manuscript. How many times through did it take you to learn their names?_________

6. What note is on the 3rd line in the treble clef?________
7. What note is on the 3rd line in the bass clef?_________
8. What note is on the 1st line in the treble clef?________
9. What note is on the 2nd line in the bass clef?__________
10. What note is on the 4th line in the treble clef?_______
11. What note is on the 5th line in the bass clef?_________
12. What note is on the 2nd line in the treble clef?________
13. What note is in the 2nd SPACE in the treble clef?_______
14. What note is in the 3rd SPACE in the treble clef?_______
15. What note is in the 3rd SPACE in the bass clef?_________