(copy & complete)
Major Keys |
Minor Keys |
Raised 7ths |
List of Sharps |
C |
A |
G# |
Fx |
F,C,G,D,A, |
Cx |
F,C,G,D,A,E, |
Gx |
F,C,G,D,A,E,B |
(copy & complete)
Major Keys |
Minor Keys |
Raised 7ths |
List of Flats |
C |
A |
G# |
F |
D |
B |
B,E,A |
B,E,A,D |
A natural |
B,E,A,D,G |
D natural |
G natural |
 | Read these instructions while the applet is loading. |
 | The table opposite contains all the notes in the major scales with 4
or more sharps and flats. |
 | These are E, B, F#, C#, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb majors.. |
 | Your job is to find all the notes to these 8 scales. |
 | To begin, find the notes from the E major scale and left-click with
your mouse on each one in turn. |
 | Each note you click on will disappear from the table and appear
below it. |
 | Now find the notes from the scale with one 5 sharps (B major). |
 | Continue in this way till you have found all the notes from the
scales listed above. |
 | It doesn't matter which scale you do first or last but it does
matter if you include a wrong note. |
 | There are only just enough notes to cover the specified scales so if
you include a wrong note then it won't be there for the scale it belongs
to and you will have to start again |
 | Click the 'refresh' button to start anew. |