Order the Tetrachords Sharps Major

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Each tetrachord consists of four notes of a scale. You must order the tetrachords in order to build each Major scale with sharps in the key signature.

Each scale is made up of two tetrachords, each with four notes.

The first tetrachord of the C Major scale is C, D, E, F. The second tetrachord of the C Major scale is G, A, B, C. Mouse over those tetrachords below to hear them.

Each tetrachord consists of notes arranged a certain distance in pitch from one another. Notes in a Major scale can be separated by either a tone or a semitone.

Each tetrachord must consist of the following intervals: Tone - Tone - Semitone. There will be a tone between the first and second tetrachords in each scale. Mouse over the tetrachords again and see if you can hear where each semitone occurs.

The interval pattern for one major scale then should be Tone, Tone, Semitone - Tone - Tone, Tone, Semitone.

Major scales with sharps are built by adding one tetrachord ABOVE the first. Eg: C, D, E, F + G, A, B C.

To play the game below you must put the tetrachords in the right order beginning with C, D, E, F, as if they are playing cards. Mouse over each tetrachord to hear the notes and click any two tetrachords to swap their position.


Copyright B.R Fletcher & R Williams 2005